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The Tree Of Man de Patrick White
Autor: Patrick WhiteCategoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Literatura mundial
Tapa blanda: 480 páginas
Editor: Vintage Classics; Edición: New Ed (27 de octubre de 1994)
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 99324512
ISBN-13: 978-0099324515
Descripción - Críticas "[This is] one of those magnificent novels given to us when a great writer is in perfect harmony with the mythic soul of humanity" (Carmen Callil Guardian)"He is, in the finest sense, a world novelist" (Guardian)"His greatest novel, The Tree of Man is a tragic pastoral about the penitential struggle with nature in a grim Australian Eden" (Peter Conrad Observer)"The novel has unforgettable scenes, marvellous characters, wide ranges of mood, strikingly fresh imagery - all those ingredients which make a novel...become a permanent part of our memory" (Washington Post)"A timeless work of art from which no essential element of life has been omitted" (New York Times Book Review) Stan Parker, with only a horse and a dog for company journeys to a remote patch of land he has inherited in the Australian hills. Once the land is cleared and a rudimentary house built, he brings his wife Amy to the wilderness. Together they face lives of joy and sorrow as they struggle against the environment. Biografía del autor Patrick White was born in England in 1912. His Australian parents took him home when he was six months old but educated him in England, at Cheltenham College and King's College, Cambridge. He settled in London, where his first novel, Happy Valley, was published to some acclaim in 1939. After serving in the RAF during the Second World War he returned to Australia with his partner, Manoly Lascaris. The novels, short stories and plays that followed The Tree of Man in 1956 made White a considerable figure in world literature. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1973. The Hanging Garden was begun and put aside in 1981 when White was lured away to write once again for the theatre. The unfinished novel was found among his papers after his death in September 1990 and published in 2012.
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