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Learning to Read Japanese: Japanese Literature: The Human Chair (Japanese Edition) de Minoru Sunagawa
Autor: Minoru SunagawaCategoria: Tienda Kindle,eBooks Kindle,eBooks en idiomas extranjeros
Tapa blanda: 325 KB
Editor: Learning to Read Japanese (24 de enero de 2019)
Idioma: Japonés
Descripción - The Human Chair:人間椅子(にんげん いす)Edogawa Rampo:江戸川乱歩(えどがわ らんぽ)(1894 - 1965)This book is for the people/students who want to learn to read Japanese. 人間《にんげん》 が 座《すわ》る 部分《ぶぶん》 に 膝《ひざ》 を 入《い》れ背《せ》もたれ の 中《なか》 へ 首《くび》 と 胴《どう》 と を 入《い》れちょうど 椅子《いす》 の 形《かたち》 に 座《すわ》れば……After seeing her husband off to work, the young author identified only as Yoshiko sets off to read the large collection of letters she received from other young authors. These are often letters containing samples of their work for critique. One large envelope contains a letter. The letter-writer does not provide his name. The letter is a confession of crimes. The letter-writer has no family or friends, and claims to be "ugly beyond description". He is a chair maker and loves his work and all the chairs he creates, even going so far as to claim some sort of intangible connection to his work. One day, after the completion of a luxurious sofa commissioned for the lobby of a new hotel, he realized that it was his masterpiece. Reluctant to part with it, he reshaped the inner structure of the sofa to allow one human being to sit inside of it. Inside the sofa he packed enough food and water for a few days. After instructing his assistant to organize the pickup of the sofa, he climbs inside. The sofa is then transported to the lobby of the hotel. Enjoy Reading Japanesehttp://readjapanese.byoubu.com/
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